Ignite Your Passion & Purpose and Create Ripple Effects!

Get curious and ask…am I doing what fills me up??


I recently watched the poignant movie, “One Life” based on the true story of Sir Nicholas 'Nicky' Winton. A young London broker who, in the months leading up to World War II and Hitler’s invasion, he and other refugee workers rescued 669 children from the Nazis, in Prague! 


He didn’t realize the impact (and even discounted it) - he experienced Post Traumatic Stress and constantly ruminated on those he couldn’t save. 

To put it in perspective, approximately 15,000 Czechoslovakia children were sent to the Internment camps and only ~200+ survived. Yet, because he and others felt, “It was the right thing to do” - 669 children survived!

One person had ripple effects on the succeeding generations of the children he helped save!!


How about for you? Want more Passion (love of self, others, community), Purpose (your calling, professionally and personally), and Play (zest & hope) in your life?


Before you dismiss what you can do…or are quick to say, “I could never…” and dismiss the impact you can have…

Keep in mind, when we choose to heal from our past, or take time to help someone else, we are making a profound difference in our own lives and those around us…generationally!! 


What is one small step you could make towards your health, well-being, mental health, and/or what is a way you could give back? Ask yourself, what can I do? 


Let’s keep creating ripple effects, y’all!! 


#PassionPurposePlay #radientbestself #genuinealignment #selfacceptance #mindset #mindfulness #gratitude #selfcare #forgiveness #action #purpose #passion #play #BeHeroic #EFT #emotionalfreedomtechniques #Tapping #EMDR #PassionPurposePlay #mentalhealthmatters #ChangeYourHabits #ChangeYourLife #Arete


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