
What Can Dominoes Teach Us About Momentum and Change?
Fall is a natural time of change. During this time, do you celebrate what you’ve accomplished and feel like an excited kid jumping into a pile of leaves…OR…do you feel like a frustrated adult because all you see is what hasn’t been done (and/or) overwhelmed with what needs to be done?

Ignite Your Passion & Purpose and Create Ripple Effects!
Ignite Your Passion & Purpose and Create Ripple Effects!
Get curious and ask…am I doing what fills me up??
Want more Passion (love of self, others, community), Purpose (your calling, professionally and personally), and Play (zest & hope) in your life?
What is one small step you could make towards your health, well-being, mental health, and/or what is a way you could give back? Ask yourself, what can I do?