Happy Clients

Here's what some of my clients have to say about our work together:
“Let me just say how amazing Taz is as an EFT practitioner but also as a compassionate human. Her grasp of EFT is incredible. I was fascinated with how she was able to use her intuitive nature to tap into the core of some of my issues.”
“Just one EFT session with her and I was able to break through a stuck point that had been holding me back for a long time. It’s a really powerful tool!”
“I think that you are an absolute gift to human kind…When I scroll social media in my down time and see your smiling face it makes me happy and it's an honor to know you. Love you dearly and appreciate you. You're truly making the world a better place and it's not going unnoticed.”
“This morning I woke up thinking about a painful interaction I had with an extended family member many years ago…Although my attachment to this memory has shifted significantly so that it no longer triggers the intense reaction it once did, it still comes back to me sometimes…While I did my breath work this morning, I set the intention to further release my attachment to this pain.
I also remembered that Taz was offering a complementary tapping session today so I participated in her tapping session and experienced a greater release. The combination of physical touch and spoken acknowledgement & affirmation of tapping is so productive for me! Thank you Taz Jennifer Vazquez (visit her page for more info on EFT/tapping)!”
“I work with a lot of people experiencing trauma that’s held them back in certain areas of their lives. Of course, as is usually the case, I too have trauma in my background and have worked through my own healing throughout the years utilizing a number of modalities including coaching, mindfulness practices and psychotherapy.
Recently I have been experiencing blocks in the completion of writing a book based on my many years running support groups for nutritional healing. During the coaching session, I immediately felt I was in professional, well trained hands. I felt very respectfully and deeply heard and seen. Jennifer was able to hold a safe place for me to process through some deeply seeded beliefs about my own limitations, and encouraged me as I had some very helpful insights. It was a very valuable experience and I’m well on my way to finally finishing my book!
If you’ve experienced “stuckness”, anxiety and blocks to your own creativity and purpose I highly recommend working with Jennifer as a coach and champion for your growth, healing and success. As always, listen to your own intuition and do what feels right for you. Jennifer’s integrity would encourage you to follow your own wisdom as well. Getting support on your path is always a good idea. I look forward to referring clients to her from my own practice; and I can recommend Jennifer, wholeheartedly, and without reservation.”
— Teresa
“I was fortunate to have a Tapping session with Jennifer. I had been feeling overwhelmed and stuck in what I wanted to do in my life, because of fears around not being “good enough”. After just a single session, my feeling overwhelmed disappeared! The majoirty of the negative stuck feelings were also extinguished. I gained more clarity and ideas started flowing again. It was an excellent session! I will definitely continue to work with Taz, and would highly recommend her to others.”
— Skip