What is Tapping?
Stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious or depressed? Dealing with pain? Trying to break an unhelpful habit or get unstuck? Want to heal from trauma without re-traumatization?
Tapping (EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques) can help!!
Tapping along your body’s acupuncture points helps calm your nervous system, boost your immune system, and rebalances your body’s positive energy. It also helps your mind and body process/work through/release negative emotions, thoughts, memories, behavior patterns, and physical symptoms.
Simply thinking positive thoughts often doesn’t help, because our bodies are experiencing full-body stress responses. Tapping immediately calms our bodies and sends a calming signal to our brains. In a study by Dr. Dawson Church, tapping lowered cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body by 42%!
Research shows that physical pain can be caused by unresolved emotional challenges. When people are in a chronic fight or flight state because of constant stress, anxiety, overwhelm and other negative emotions, stress hormones are released into the body that cause hypersensitivity of the nerves. And when the nerves are more sensitive, everything just hurts more.
Our bodies have an innate ability towards healing, except when we turn off the natural repair mechanisms because of unresolved negative emotions. Research shows when the body is in a state of stress, cells go into a protection mode. So not only do our negative emotions cause physical pain, they also keep the body from being able to heal.
Think about any challenges you're currently dealing with, whether they're with your finances, health, weight, relationships, dating, fears, with physical pain itself, with past traumas, or whatever else you're struggling with...think of any emotional challenges that could be leading to what is happening in your body or your energy level?
Imagine, for just a second, what it would be like if you didn't have these stressors? Take a deep breath for just a moment and feel what life might be like if you weren't stressed by these things.
The latest research is proving that when you use EFT (Tapping) to shift your unconscious beliefs and emotions, you shift the chemicals being released into the body. In doing so, you are literally able to shift your nervous system, your digestive and endocrine systems, your hormones, and your energy levels! Lowering your stress levels brings the nervous system into a parasympathetic state (relaxation response). We allow it to release mental, emotional, and physical pain from our mind and body.
What can Tapping Help with?
Multiple research studies show that Tapping is an effective treatment for:
• Pain
• Fear
• Anxiety
• Test Anxiety
• Chronic Stress
• Depression
• Grief/Loss
• Food Cravings
• Addiction
• Trauma and PTSD
• Getting Unstuck
• Removing Financial Blocks
• Changing Habits
• Boosting Creativity
• Peak Athletic Performance
It is effective for children, teens, and adults. It can be done in a group or individually.
What Research Shows
There are over 400 identified forms of psychotherapy, many have little or no research to validate them. Tapping has evidence-based research supporting its effectiveness. For example:
Research shows 86% of veterans no longer had PTSD when treated with Tapping. It's 2x as effective and 2x faster compared to prolonged exposure therapy.
Studies comparing cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and Tapping show that Tapping is either equivalent to or more effective than CBT. And in a number of those studies, Tapping achieved results in significantly less time.
Client Experiences with Tapping
Tapping helped one client interrupt, and then stop, panic attacks to reclaim their life.
Another client completely resolved a recent trauma that had caused depression, anxiety, PTSD triggers, and suicide ideation. They also released another trauma they had been carrying around for 60 years!
One client had a near death experience and was experiencing anxiety, rumination, and flashbacks. After Picture Tapping (EFT and art), the client was able to release the experience, enabling them to handle an upcoming heart procedure confidently and successfully.
One client was positively able to resolve negative self-doubt and perfectionism that had been keeping them stuck in moving forward in their business. Now they are feeling in genuine alignment and successfully supporting their customers/clients.
Curious to know more? Tap along with the Releasing Anxiety and Breathwork video.